I just upgraded the server to MovableType 3.2. It wasn’t quite as painless as some upgraders have claimed. I had one little glitch, but that’s mostly because my configuration is rather old and crufty, it goes back to the early days of MT, I think even before version 2. Oh well, everything should be running OK now (with the exception of the video server, which is still down).
I am considering moving this blog to a ISP-hosted server, so I can use their video server. I am just waiting for a response from their tech support, to see if I can point my current domain to their server. I think it might be time for me to buy a real domain name for this blog, but I don’t want to break any old links, so I’m trying to set up a clever way to forward all the old links to any new domain I register. I know how to do it, I just don’t know if the ISP will allow me to do it.
Testing comments on the new configuration. Move along, nothing to see here.