I was surprised to receive an announcement of the 10 year reunion for my university’s 1996 graduating class. It’s not like a real reunion, it’s just the annual Homecoming Week and football game, if I attended, it would be extremely unlikely that I’d encounter anyone I knew. But I was shocked by how fast 10 years passed and I am still stuck here in this town. Tempus fugit.
My question about class reunions is, how old do you have to be do be comfortable enough to actually go to one? I’m 49, I graduated in 1981, and everyone I know seems to be a doctor, dean or a millionare. And my claim to fame was working at BBN and hooking up the guy who invented the @ sign to BBN’s internetwork. Yikes!
Well that’s the thing, Andy, they all CLAIM to be doctors, deans and millionaires, but are they REALLY?